Friday, April 3, 2009


Guess what? We got an apartment! We are going to be moving down to CSUCI to live in an apartment near campus. We got a cute little 2 bedroom, 2 bath place that's on the 1st floor (yay for not worrying about stairs as much) and our move-in date is May 28. The campus is awesome- they offer no credit check, waive the application fee & deposit, and give discounted rates to staff. It was too good an opportunity to pass up so we are going for it! It's going to be a new, fun adventure and I can't wait to get in and start making our own little home :) It will be small and will be an adjustment, but it will be OURS and that's what matters. Our little family of 4! The grandparents are nearby and we'll still be up in NP for dinners and softball on Sundays. We'll let you know once we're settled in!

P.S. This picture doesn't really have to do with moving, except that hopefully this is what Noah will be doing most of the time we're trying to unpack :) I love my little peanut <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! Congrats! It really is a pretty nice place to live! And so nice to be so close to friends! Take care!!