Thursday, August 26, 2010

As promised, a couple of pictures of my loves.  Jake is a climbing machine!  As much as I want to grab him off the high spots he climbs too or stop him from trying the newest playground equipment because it looks "too dangerous," I think I'm doing a decent job of letting him explore and try new things.  He's had some bumps and bruises, but that's ok. Boys will be boys, right? 

Noah is not too far behind- we've caught him more than once "surfing" on the ottoman to our rocker or on the footrest in Nana Pat's dining area.  The kid shows no fear most of the time.  He loves hanging out with Jake and exploring outside.  I love that the boys are so close, and of course they have their moments, but what 1 1/2 and 3 year old don't?  I love my boys so much and I hope they stay this close forever <3

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